After you sign up, you have to set up your service.
First, type your website address.
Click on ,,Next step''.
This is where you can see the people who work here and when they work.
You will be able to add more consultants, after you finish configuring your service, on the "Employees" tab.
This is where you decide when your service is available.
When you set this, click on ,,Next step''.
Here, you can edit pop-up, widget, chat and e-mail.
You can change the text, colors and how each section looks.
In the section ,,pop-up'' you can choose in which language the content of the message should be:
Next, you can see how each of the messages look like:
Then, you can change the content of each message, and the content of the buttons:
Finally, you can change the content of the marketing information, which is placed here:
Next, you can change how the pop-up looks.
Here, you can change the main color of the pop-up:
And the color of the ,,Call later'' button.
Finally, you can change how the pop-up displays.
This includes the time to show the pop-up:
And turning on or off exit pop-up, choosing where you want to show pop-up and when during the session:
Next, you can edit the widget:
Here, you can choose in which language the content of the message on the widget should be:
Then, you can change the header and the main content of the message:
You can choose, if you want to show or hide these things: a message from the consultant, a message from the consultant on all pages, and the number of calls on the message content.
Next, you can change how the widget looks
by customizing the color of the widget:
and the consultant icon:
Finally, you can edit how the widget displays.
You can choose, where to put the widget on the page. You can also choose, how long it will be there and how much space there is around it.
You can make the widget animated or pulsating, change it's size and change how it will display on the mobile devices.
Next, you can add a chat to your website:
by integrating it with Smartsupp chat:
or Messenger chat:
Finally, you can edit the e-mail section, where you can add a form where the customer can leave his e-mail and phone number. If you turn this on, on the pop-up will appear the ,,Leave a message'' button.
To do this, first turn on e-mail messages.
Then, you can customize the language of the content on this button:
And the content of: the ,,Leave a message'' button, the header that appears after send message and the ,,Send message'' button and the e-mail address.
Next, you can change how the e-mail button looks
by customizing the color of ,,Leave a message'' button:
When you customize everything, click on ,,Next step''.
Next, you have to install the mobile application on your phone (you can download it on Google Play or App Store). Otherwise, you won't be able to call the customers back in 15 seconds.
Then, you can install the widget on your website.
You can install Callback24 through the plugin:
Or through the script, which you have to place on your website.
You can test the configured service using the ,,Test service'' button - remember to be logged into the application on your phone.
Congratulations! You've configured your service.
Written by Aleksandra Strugalska
Updated over 2 years ago